The Truth about Estate Planning and Elder Law
Was one of your New Years’ Resolutions to get your legal affairs in order? Then here is your chance to hear...
The Truth about Living, Dying, and Leaving a Legacy
Most people wish to spend their last days at home among family, but few take time to plan this major life event. Expert panelists...
The Truth about How to Stay at Home Forever
Most people want to live in their homes for the rest of their lives. Our seminar panelists will share some strategies...
The Truth about Liquidating the Extra Stuff
As Seniors transition to the retirement stage and beyond, a common problem is how to deal with their “stuff”. Our panelist Chris Sannella...
The Truth about Aging Brain
Will we lose our memory as we age? Do thinking and reasoning eventually slow down? What are the signs of a healthy or unhealthy brain?
The Truth about the Selling a Home for Seniors
Join us for a panel discussion to get the facts about what is involved in selling a home in today’s booming market.
The Truth about Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Join representatives of 3 communities as they discuss how to choose a CCRC and share information about their respective communities.
The Truth about Independent and Assisted Living Communities
Your house isn’t working for you anymore and you need to decide about where to go. Watch The Truth About Independent and...
The Truth about Downsizing - 5 Easy Steps to Success
Join Paul and Lyn Henderson to discuss the 5 Easy Steps to Downsizing. If you are considering making a move to downsize, this webinar...
The Truth About Retirement and Flipping The Money Switch
You have saved and saved and saved. Now you are retired and it’s time to enjoy your newfound freedom, right? Aaron Pau...